Gym Drill Pro - Gymnastics Skill Drills for Professionals

Still Rings


Yamawaki Drill Still Rings


Honma starts with a strong back swing through a tight arch while driving heels very hard up to inverted body with shoulders over the level of the rings. Follows front pike flip, hands are pushing down rings. The ending position is support. Basic skills for Homna are swings, inlocate and kip to support.

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Yamawaki Drill Still Rings

Honma Tucked

Till inverted body legs are tight. Knees are getting bent, finishing ion support.

Yamawaki Drill Still Rings

Support Forward Roll

Integral part of gymnastics coaching process are skill drills. They help gymnasts to learn easier and technically correct. With GYM DRILL PRO you will find variety of ideas for the most the basic gymnastics skills. There are plenty of images with skill drill progressions. It is intended to support explicitly the qualified coaches in their daily coaching business. DO NOT practice without the guidance of proper professionals.