Gym Drill Pro - Gymnastics Skill Drills for Professionals

High Bar

Russian Giant Drill High Bar

Stick Rearways

Perform this drill with a stick. A variation of this drill might be if the coach pushes down on the stick. Gradually shorten the distance between the hands.

Adler / Jem Drill High Bar

Rearways Handstand on Low Bar

The gymnast can jump from a panel mat or a mini trampoline. Begin this drill with a spotter. Jump in a pike position. When the upper body reaches vertical, raise the legs up to vertical as well. Land flat on a mat.

Russian Giant Drill High Bar

Rearways Stretching with Stick

The gymnast should grab a stick behind their back in under grip. They should then raise the stick and lean forward until they switch into L-grip. They should repeat this exercise several times and gradually shorten the distance between the hands.

Russian Giant Drill High Bar

Rearways Handstand Spotting

Perform the drill with a spotter. On the low bar in under grip, the gymnast starts the drill in a Manna position. The coach raises the gymnast to an L-grip handstand.

Russian Giant Drill High Bar

Pike Handstand Rearways

The coach holds the gymnast with one hand on the chest, and the other hand on the lower back. The gymnast holds a handstand rearways in order to repeatedly pike and raise the legs.

Russian Giant Drill High Bar

Back Swing Hehct Tap

Have the gymnast perform a front swing with an early tap. In the front swing the gymnast should push back on the bar and arch their body from their shoulders and hips. Return back with a regular back swing or with a hecht swing.

Russian Giant Drill High Bar

Back Swing Rearways Hecht Tap

The drill is a modification of the previous one but in l-grip.

Russian Giant Drill High Bar

Russian Giants Straps

The easiest and fastest way to improve the Russian giant is to perform them with straps. This drill can be made with a spotter in the beginning.

Integral part of gymnastics coaching process are skill drills. They help gymnasts to learn easier and technically correct. With GYM DRILL PRO you will find variety of ideas for the most the basic gymnastics skills. There are plenty of images with skill drill progressions. It is intended to support explicitly the qualified coaches in their daily coaching business. DO NOT practice without the guidance of proper professionals.