Gym Drill Pro - Gymnastics Skill Drills for Professionals

Floor Exercise


Backward Roll Floor

Backward Roll

From a standing position, roll backward with the hands beside the head. Hold the legs in a tucked position, using the hands for support as the body becomes inverted. Finish by pushing off the hands in order to land on the feet in a tucked position. Finish the skill by extending the legs to a stand.

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Back Extentional Roll Drill Floor

Backward Roll Pike

The backward roll is performed with straight arms and legs. The gymnast’s hands should be turned in, with fingertips facing one another. The head should stay down, close to the chest, so that the gymnast connects with the floor on their upper back and shoulders, instead of their head.

Back Extentional Roll Drill Floor

Backward Roll Suppport

The first part of the drill is the same as the backward roll pike. When the pushing of the arms against the floor begins, the body opens in a strong hollow. The gymnast should not attempt to reach handstand. The drill finishes in front support.

Back Extentional Roll Drill Floor

Back Extention Roll Assistance

The coach helps the gymnast to keep the correct shape of the body. The coach can hold the gymnast by their toes and bring them to handstand during the rolling motion.

Back Extentional Roll Drill Floor

Kicks with Dumbbells

The athlete should hold two relatively light dumbbells. They should keep their arms tight and raise the dumbbells slowly above their head. The dumbbells should not be swung. The ending position of the move is at the highest point of their arms behind the body. The gymnast should return to the starting position with control. For the entire duration of this exercise, the arms should remain straight. They should also be approximately shoulder width. It’s essential that the body remains completely extended and doesn’t move during the drill. Only the arms should move. This drill should be repeated several times.

Back Extentional Roll Drill Floor

Kicks with Elastics

Hook an elastic band on a Swedish wall/stall bar rail. The band should be roughly at the height of the gymnast’s hips/chest. The gymnast should face the wall and hold both ends of the elastic in their hands. Next, they should execute a strong backward motion, pulling the elastic behind their body. The ending position of the move is at the highest point of their arms behind the body. The gymnast should return to the starting position with control. For the entire duration of this exercise, the arms should remain straight. They should also be at the approximate width of the parallel bars. It’s essential that the body remains completely extended and doesn’t move during the drill. Only the arms should move. This drill should be repeated several times.

Integral part of gymnastics coaching process are skill drills. They help gymnasts to learn easier and technically correct. With GYM DRILL PRO you will find variety of ideas for the most the basic gymnastics skills. There are plenty of images with skill drill progressions. It is intended to support explicitly the qualified coaches in their daily coaching business. DO NOT practice without the guidance of proper professionals.